News, advice and information from the companies that drive the yachting industry.
Common CV Mistakes
Job hunting is stressful. We all know, too well, the pressure of having to find and secure a position on a yacht. We start to feel anxious when weeks go by with no response from prospective employers. Doubt begins to creep in. “Maybe I’m not as...
Leadership Matters
Running a yacht is no easy feat. You lead the charge of at least 4 crew members (deck, galley, engineering department and interior department). This requires you delegate, instruct and oversee the success of service. If you want to be a good leader...
Crew HQ: Fact vs Fiction Pt 3
With yachting standards and regulations differing from region to region it is quite easy to become confused by what is expected of crew. We’ve collected a few more of your queries and questions and answered them in our third installment of Crew HQ:...
Are You 'Fit' For The Job
Immaculate yachts. Jaw-dropping backdrops. Elegant yacht owners and employers.
Beauty is the business of this industry; but since it only runs skin deep should attractive crew be regarded as ‘better’ than other crew?
A user, in a popular yachting...
Three Steps to a Successful 2017
2016 was a bad year. Prince, David Bowie, Carrie Fisher, Mohammed Ali and George Michael were some of the most shocking celebrity deaths to rock the globe. Britain voted to leave the EU. The deadly Zika virus plagued Latin America and made its way...
The Professional Pecking Order
There is a hierarchy in every profession. It seems to be the only way to run a productive professional space where every member of the team can contribute their unique set of skills and expertise. It is also a sure way to hold people accountable if...
Is Your Captain Taking You For Granted
They say “work for cause and not the applause,” but what if your Captain is unbearable? With 2016 coming to a close; crew are exhausted from labouring the yachting seasons and emotions are running high as yachties accept that they might not be...
The Perks of Being Bilingual
Being bilingual is useful in more ways than just being a fun party trick. The perks reach as far as your career.
In 2015, CNN Money named bilingualism as the hottest skill for job seekers.Looking through the yacht job market and it’s not hard to...
Premium Membership Explained
Crew HQ; the yacht networking site that is committed to making navigating the yachting industry easier for you.
Not only does the system provide a catalogue of impressive crew who are ready to work, it makes searching...
Too Sick To Come In
Night sweats, high temperature, shivers. You can’t keep your food down and you’re feeling delirious. You’re cough is wet with phlegm and your nose is running. Perhaps it’s just a cold; a season fever that’ll pass. Or you’re coming down with...
Home and Away
There are five weeks left ‘til Christmas. Holiday decorations are being hung, gifts have been bought and travel arrangements are being finalised. The excitement around family reunions is bursting. Christmas with the family is the perfect way to end...
Crew HQ: Fact vs Fiction Pt 2
The yachting industry can be daunting for newcomers. It can, also, be equally overwhelming for crew members who have been part of the industry for years. With the ever changing rules and regulations, constantly developing procedures and industry...