Getting your first job as a crew member on a superyacht, can be extremely difficult. Dock walking is an effective way of getting your foot in the door.



Landing that dream job takes more than a pretty face.

A pretty face does help... but you also need to create a juicy CV.


Human beings are creatures of habit. If change can be, it is avoided at all cost. A vessel is never more tense than when the on-board labour staff are anticipating a crew rotation.

Online yachting hub, Crew HQ, has developed a phone-friendly media application for its followers.

What is day work and why is it important to do it at the start of your career?

If you are new to the industry do you need to go to a yachting hub to search for work?

Should you travel to Palma or Antibes when you embark on your search for work? Read our blog and see what we suggest!

Superstitious people normally have hang-ups about breaking mirrors, walking under ladders or opening umbrellas indoors.

A Crew HQ Publishing Account connects your company to yachting industry professionals in the most engaging way.