Members News & Articles

News, advice and information from the companies that drive the yachting industry.

Validated Crew References

Reference Validation
Reference validation is a service we offer to our Premium Members.
The Crew HQ support team contacts every reference that is added to the website by our Premium Members and then asks a set of standard questions designed to help...

7 Great Minds Dedicated to Saving Our Seas

The adverse effects of climate change are being felt now more than ever before. Ice caps are melting, sea leves are rising and winters are lasting longer than they should. Our planet is in crisis and our ocean and the marine life that depend on the...

Environmentally Conscious Yachting

One of Crew HQ’s missions is endeavouring to promote sea-friendly and environmentally conscious yachting. We understand the importance of preserving the ocean so that it can be enjoyed for generations to come. The increase in oil spills, waste...

Crew HQ in the Language You Choose

Crew HQ continues to break industry barriers which now include the language barrier.
Crew HQ members can now access the website and all its functions in a number of languages. The online yachting hub has recently launched it’s multilingualism...

Azimuth Nautical School

Azimuth Nautical School is the first and only IYT school authorized in South America. It offers the its students well-known recognized sailing and yachting courses. 
We are committed to not only give the best instruction available in our waters as...

13 Wacky Sea Superstitions

Superstitious people normally have hang-ups about breaking mirrors, walking under ladders or opening umbrellas indoors. These beliefs may seem silly to some but when you track their history; a number of superstitions are actually based on the series...

Protecting your Yacht Against Pirates

Although pirates don’t hobble around on wooden legs like they do in Disney movies; with sassy parrots chirping from their shoulders, they are just as ruthless and threatening to the safety of passengers aboard any vessel.

Piracy is a problem that...

Can Crew Couples Work?

To be (together) or not to be (together); that is the career changing question. More and more couples wanting to work on the same boat in order to be together are asking whether they’re kidding themselves or if there is a place for them in the...

Tagged Today, Gone Tomorrow

It could be anything from a group photo of a drunken night on the town being posted on Instagram, to a Facebook status spewing bigotry and racial discrimination. Either way you need to be careful about what you broadcast online as it can give...

The Importance of a Good Reference

If a resume is considered the document that speaks for you before you’ve met your prospective employer, then references have the power to make or break your case.
Any professional should appreciate the importance of a good reference and letter of...

Getting the Right Visa for the Job

For green crew and sometimes established yachties looking to relocate, paperwork and travel documentation can be the cause of huge distress. Every country has its own system and list of requirements which lead to confusion and headaches for crew...

Crew Houses; What, Where and Why?

The life of a crew member is transient by nature. We find we are never situated in one place for long. This makes putting down roots an unnecessary undertaking. Responsibilities such as signing leases and registering for a local driver's license...