What's in a Free Crew profile?

Your profile page is your starting point on Crew HQ and making it look good should be your top priority.
It's free to create a crew profile and it comes packed with features to make recruiting you easy.
Remember: Your full profile is only available to Professional Members.
We charge a small fee to users who want to contact our members and this helps us keep spam out of inboxes and enables us to provide the best possible service. Crew HQ enables employers to browse available crew and to contact them directly. As a job seeking crew member, you may not have even applied for a position to receive an employment opportunity since all available crew may be searched for for based on their profile settings. To get the most out of Crew HQ your profile needs to be complete, your contact details up-to-date and your latest CV uploaded. The most important elements to add to your free crew profile are:
Profile Picture
Upload a professional picture of you. It's a good idea to smile and to wear your uniform. The yachting industry is a competitive professional environment. Look like you are capable and willing to work hard. It's not a holiday camp... so avoid pictures of you in your swimming costume.
Primary Job Title & Qualification
Add your current highest job title or the primary role that you would like to be considered for as well as the ticket that is required at this level. This information is used alongside your name and gives employers a snapshot of you and your capacity in the industry.
Upload your CV
Employers like to be able to quickly download and print your CV.. This is your own personal one.. we don't add our branding or anything to it so make it look smart. We suggest you stick to PDF versions so they can not be changed and so they quickly open in the potential employers browser.
Cover Letter, Objective, Career Path and Maritime Experience
Your chance to shine. It's not about volume here but quality. These are free text fields and are only visible to Professional Users. Keep them short and to the point. You need to impress your employer and connect with their requirements. Think about finding crew their point of view. What would you be looking for in a new employee if you were hiring? This is the question you need to answer with your profile.
Other Job Titles and Qualifications
Add each of your prospective job titles and your qualifications. Add only relevant titles as these affect your crew search placement. Don't add them all! If you keep showing up in the wrong place employers will ignore you.
Contact Details
Make sure your details are right. Double check your phone and Skype details. Employers can quickly dial you from their phones or Skype if they are browsing the site on their mobile devices.
Add and update your location. Your location will show on your crew profile. If you want to be searched by location however you will need to upgrade to Premium Membership.