Become a Permanent Fixture

For job seeking crew finding work, any work, is the goal. Whether temporary, seasonal or day work; earning a salary is better than nothing. But how can you turn your provisional employment into something more permanent? Here are a few tips that are sure to help.


Extended Interview


Your employment could be for the day, three days or as long as two weeks. However long you day work on a yacht is; treat it like an extended interview or probation period.

Arrive on time, look presentable, be keen to work and eager to learn. Conduct yourself as you would in an interview because the job works as a trial for the Captain to decide whether to keep you on, permanently, or not.


Get Noticed


You form part of a crew but that doesn’t mean you can’t let your personality shine through. The hospitality industry thrives on the interpersonal relationships staff have with guests.

Don’t get too familiar with the guests. A simple, “good morning,” will suffice. Making an effort to be polite to your superior and pleasant to your fellow crew members is what you should focus on. You can showcase your personality whilst remaining professional. If you find you complete your tasks before others, and are a helpful person, you can assist your peers. Perhaps you notice you have more experience than another crew member, discreetly offering advice will instantly put you in their good graces.

Work to your strengths and they will work for you


Don’t Rock The Boat


There is nothing worse than an obnoxious day worker coming onto a boat guns blazing and thinking they know it all. Remember, you’re a temporary feature and in order to become a permanent fixture you need to be liked.

If your Chief says to do something in a specific way, trust that (s)he knows what (s)he is doing. They’ve been on board the vessel longer than you have; they know what works best for the yacht, what the standard is, how the owner likes it etc. Don’t presume to know better because it was done differently on the yachts you worked on in the past. You are welcome to make suggestions but if they are vetoed don’t argue. And DON’T do it your way after being denied.  

Avoid drama at all costs. No one is going to want to hire someone who causes them grief within three days of employment. They’ll imagine how many headaches you’ll cause them over a six month service.




Value, value, value. Converting day work employment to a permanent contract is all about showing the Captain that your presence on board is valuable. The Captain must be so impressed by your skills and expertise that (s)he rue’s the day your time on the vessel comes to an end. Don’t be afraid to go the extra mile; anticipate the next task your superior might ask of you and do it anyway. Taking initiative is a sure way to get noticed by the powers that matter.

Finally; if you don’t get offered a permanent contract don’t be discouraged. You got to spend a couple of days servicing a great yacht with an incredible crew, and you did some of your best work; that should be reward enough. If it isn’t take comfort in knowing that the Captain may not have hired you for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with you. Leave with a smile and good memories because they will surely consider you when a position opens up.